
Friday, May 22, 2015

Personal Confessions ~ Finding the good in goodbye

The first time I heard Beyonce sing 'Thank God I found the good in goodbye' I didn't really get it until I sat down and thought about it and what that meant to me. There are so many things in this life that we always wanted to hold onto and some of it is not even good for us but we are so scared of saying goodbye we decide it's better to have or keep that than to say goodbye. Why? Because it is what we know, it is comfortable and at least for the time being we know what it is and mostly it's future we have an idea. It's like the good old saying "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't".

I am a hoarder by nature, I really do not like throwing away my things but I am also not the obsessive kind. There things I am just like ok that can go but there are somethings that no matter what I want to keep it. I think I have two old pair of jeans that are size 8 that my mind keeps telling me I will one day go back to size 8 so I will need them (I wish). I have letters from my first ever boyfriend, I have little presents from all my past relationships that I keep in a box and find it hard to even consider throwing but never even look at. 

There are so many things I do not want to let go of, I want to keep it all but I have now learn't the good in goodbye. I never thought I would, be it in my personal life or my life in general and I am quite proud of myself. I feel like I have arrived at a certain point in my life where tagging on anything that is not contributing to my happiness, my well being and my plans for the future is not something I want to keep a hold of. I have looked at what I always wanted, what sometimes I feel like I am missing and things which in the over scheme of things are nothing.

My new hairdresser recently told me, do not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow is not your concern today is. Do not live for tomorrow for tomorrow has it's own plan, today is an opportunity to do something new, to change something and to challenge something. It is not a day to sit and wonder what tomorrow looks like for tomorrow may not have a plan for you.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and remember do it all today for tomorrow is not guaranteed.

*** source unknown


  1. As you mentioned at the top of the post, hoarders by nature will find it hard to let go of things so I would just look at it as a personality trait!

    1. Definitely could be construed as that yes.

  2. I totally agree with you about living for today and not for tomorrow. I always finding myself planning for the future and forgetting about the here and now, which is probably more important for me to even to have a successful future.

    1. Absolutely, we need to live for today as tomorrow has it's own plans

  3. Omg yes! I learned this awhile ago! You will
    Make yourself miserable living for tomorrow because you will always think things can be better! Live for today, you can totally rock the day which will
    Make a better tomorrow ;-)

    1. Absolutely agree, rocking today for tomorrow is not guaranteed.

  4. I'm working on cleaning out my things and have so many clothes, etc that STILL have the tags on them from high school! I'm a terrible hoarder as well!

    1. High school, oh wow Shannon I thought I was a holder but imma have to give you that title lol

  5. Yes, do not worry about tomorrow. Just seize the day. I totally agree with this post and its a good reminder to keep it cool and relax each and every day.

    1. It's never easy to always keep it cool and relax but I am happy to be reminded on it. Thanks

  6. Reading this reminded me of my mom. She is a hoarder. A BAD hoarder, One day my dad arranged to take her out so that my sister, brother and I could go clean out the house a bit. She was SO mad at us.

  7. "Do not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow is not your concern today is." SO TRUE! It can be hard but it's important to take things day by day. Sometimes it's best to let go and just breath <3

    1. It really is better to just let go and breath but its remembering that part that's hard

  8. Yesterday is more my concerned... I love to find things of yesterday don't you? And the older the better. ohhhhhh if an antique could talk. If I could even have all the toys that I had as a kid... I mean my stuff I'd be one happy camper. Nah Girlfriend don't worry about tomorrow... it'll be here soon enough... besides who wants to worry it gives you lines in you face... AUGHHHHHHHHH hehehe thanks for sharing...

    1. Hahahaha thanks Marie, though I do not like to dwell on the past it's nice to have a look see as I am moving forward so as not to make the same mistakes.

  9. I LOVE the don't worry about tomorrow quote - it's something I often have to remind myself of these days. My life is going through some pretty big changes, and I may not like them all, but I know everything happens for a reason, and I just have to keep my head on straight one day at a time, and make it count! Great post!

    1. Sending you a virtual hug and wishing you the best and thanks.

  10. Haha - I'm the same way - a hoarder by nature and super sentimental. But since we've been moving year after year, I've had to learn to get rid of stuff.

    1. It must be hard having the move year on year and being so sentimental about items

  11. I could not agree more that you cannot put things off since tomorrow is not guaranteed! Sometimes its hard to appreciate the day you have in front of you because of your to-do list and calendar.
    We do hang on to small mementos that mean a lot to us - its nice to have a few small tokens from the past.

    1. So true Audrey always wishing for what might happen tomorrow is a waste of the present day but we are all guilty of it.

  12. Sometimes it's hard letting go of things that we love. I agree with your hairdresser, though. I strongly believe in letting tomorrow take care of itself.

    1. It is hard and if I am honest it really has been very hard but I know slowly I will work my way up.

  13. I have a hard time letting go too and collect too many things. It is freeing when you do. Thank you for being so brave with your confession.

  14. Yes, there is indeed a good in goodbye. We do have things in a past that is part of who we are. The thing is that we should learn from it and not dwell on it.

    1. Absolutely, not dwelling is very essential in appreciating the good in goodbye

  15. This is an awesome post and so inspiring to me. I too have started to let go of things that I have no use for now or in the future. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I definitely need to start 'living in the now' as I always worry about the future even though things can change. What a great post, it's really inspired me.

  17. What an inspiring words, I love reading personal confessions finding good in. I agree with you thank you.

  18. Your post really makes sense, a lot of sense for me. I love your last paragraph about worrying the things that could happen or won;'t happen tomorrow. Thanks a lot!

  19. I really needed to read this. Sometimes I forget to just live for today and it's so important to do.

  20. I was always a hoarder, I kept every birthday card, piece of clothing, etc. but last year I let everything go and I feel so much better. Your hairdresser is so right, we should worry about today and not tomorrow, be more concerned with living in the 'now'.

  21. Really great deep inspiring post! I am with you I am not a hoarder per say, but I am very sentimental and I love holding onto things...and over the years I had to learn and wean myself to throw away things that doesnt serve a purpose anymore (so I wont hoard - watch the show hoarders it will get your life right).
