How to save money this Valentines day

As with most holidays they have become so commercialised that we seem to be forgetting the true meaning of the holiday. I love Valentines day like the next person but I do not want to waste money on something that I will probably not use or will forget about after a few good shots of something (not advocating drinking at all this is just me). I am not averse to receiving gifts on these holidays but I think the most memorable gifts are usually those that were given a thorough thinking and most times are free. Today I wanted to share a few ways you could have a romantic Valentines without breaking the bank.

1. A couple that cooks together

I love the idea of staying at home, spending time together and making a meal together. You don't have to buy anything you just use what you already have at home and make a meal or buy a few supplies and cook together, this is very romantic and very memorable. She will love it as much as he will love it because you are spending time together and creating something together.

2. A couple that walks together

Again it doesn't cost anything to go for a walk either in your neighbourhood or a short drive from your place or the nearest park. Take some time to explore together and just be together in oneness without distraction, make sure its technology free walk too (I am not talking about activity trackers I mean mobiles).

3. A Couple that watches together

With so many outlets to choose from you no longer have to go to the video store and rent a movie but if that's what you fancy do so otherwise check the telly guide and see what's on that you could watch together. In the name of love watch a movie that your partner likes and take turns.

4. Personalised Gifts

Ever since I was gifted my first ever personalised mug and calendar I have been over the moon. I love the thought that went into making those gifts. I have had CD's burned with favourite pictures on them which has been such a wonderful gift that I cherish even today. You can make your partner a calendar, a card, a CD the list is endless even taking their jewellery and personalised it.

These are some of the ways you can ensure you save money for these over commercialised celebrations. Like I said I am not averse to going out and having a romantic meal but I prefer to do the above instead. 
How are you spending your Valentines?

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::The Myrabev Life::: How to save money this Valentines day

Sunday, February 01, 2015

How to save money this Valentines day

As with most holidays they have become so commercialised that we seem to be forgetting the true meaning of the holiday. I love Valentines day like the next person but I do not want to waste money on something that I will probably not use or will forget about after a few good shots of something (not advocating drinking at all this is just me). I am not averse to receiving gifts on these holidays but I think the most memorable gifts are usually those that were given a thorough thinking and most times are free. Today I wanted to share a few ways you could have a romantic Valentines without breaking the bank.

1. A couple that cooks together

I love the idea of staying at home, spending time together and making a meal together. You don't have to buy anything you just use what you already have at home and make a meal or buy a few supplies and cook together, this is very romantic and very memorable. She will love it as much as he will love it because you are spending time together and creating something together.

2. A couple that walks together

Again it doesn't cost anything to go for a walk either in your neighbourhood or a short drive from your place or the nearest park. Take some time to explore together and just be together in oneness without distraction, make sure its technology free walk too (I am not talking about activity trackers I mean mobiles).

3. A Couple that watches together

With so many outlets to choose from you no longer have to go to the video store and rent a movie but if that's what you fancy do so otherwise check the telly guide and see what's on that you could watch together. In the name of love watch a movie that your partner likes and take turns.

4. Personalised Gifts

Ever since I was gifted my first ever personalised mug and calendar I have been over the moon. I love the thought that went into making those gifts. I have had CD's burned with favourite pictures on them which has been such a wonderful gift that I cherish even today. You can make your partner a calendar, a card, a CD the list is endless even taking their jewellery and personalised it.

These are some of the ways you can ensure you save money for these over commercialised celebrations. Like I said I am not averse to going out and having a romantic meal but I prefer to do the above instead. 
How are you spending your Valentines?

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At 1 February 2015 at 17:03 , Blogger Vanessa Morgan said...

I really love the idea of having a walk together on Valentine's Day. That's so romantic. Most restaurants are a bad idea, because they're so packed that day, especially when they have special Valentine's menus on offer. Cooking together is cute.

At 2 February 2015 at 02:24 , Blogger Andi said...

This is a really great list of ideas. They SO overcharge for everything on V-Day it is a crime, this is a great way to be together and save money!

At 2 February 2015 at 03:49 , Anonymous Beth@FrugalFroggie said...

I don't go all out for Valentine's day. I like to get a little something for those I love.

At 2 February 2015 at 04:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

I think we will probably go to the movies, it's our typical date.

At 2 February 2015 at 05:24 , Blogger Angie@Chasingmyhalo said...

Great list! Valentine's day can get so expensive when really its about the experience of being with your loved ones. Great reminder!

At 2 February 2015 at 13:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are great tips! My boyfriend and I stayed in last year and cooked dinner together and then watched movies all night. It was great.

At 2 February 2015 at 13:47 , Blogger Unknown said...

I haaaate going out to eat on Valentine's Day! Everywhere is overpriced and crowded! I would much rather just cook a fancy dinner at home!

At 2 February 2015 at 15:55 , Blogger Alicia Snow said...

Yeah, we never really go out on Valentine's Day. We'd rather stay in and watch Netflix together.

At 7 February 2015 at 15:00 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thank you Andi, I agree it's a crime and very extoshonent

At 7 February 2015 at 15:00 , Blogger Anosa said...

It's always nice to show love to our loved ones

At 7 February 2015 at 15:00 , Blogger Anosa said...

Sounds great

At 7 February 2015 at 15:01 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thanks Angie

At 7 February 2015 at 15:01 , Blogger Anosa said...

I like that idea hope we do the same this year

At 7 February 2015 at 15:03 , Blogger Anosa said...

I feel the same cooking at home and watching movies

At 7 February 2015 at 15:03 , Blogger Anosa said...

Sounds great x

At 10 February 2015 at 03:28 , Blogger Jess Loves This Life said...

Great ideas! We never do anything for Valentine's Day just because it's always so busy out. We bought a Groupon for a champagne brunch and it just happened to be that the only reservations they have open are for Valentine's Day so we're going then. Yay!

At 21 February 2015 at 13:18 , Blogger Anosa said...

I agree, its better to go for a walk and cook together or go another day entirely

At 21 February 2015 at 13:19 , Blogger Anosa said...

I hope you guys had fun, I love groupon they are awesome.


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