When I started blogging I didn't think I would achieve so much in so little time, I am forever grateful to the people have met and socialized with from the blogsphere. As my bio says I started this blog to pass time when I had moved town and knew no one, this journey as been one of the most wonderful journeys have taken so far and I hope and pray I continue because we both know it's not always easy to keep blogging and posting posts it takes dedication and commitment to keep up with your fellow bloggers.
I just wanted to quickly share my stats with you before I move on to the giveaway
* Twitter --> 250+ followers, I started with 15
* Facebook --> 160+ followers, I didn't have a fan page then
* Bloglovin --> 290+ followers, I had 10
* Pinterest + Google plus --> 70+ followers, I dint have either till recently.
Anyway now down to the reason your reading this post, I am giving away £25 paypal cash and 1 small Ad space on both my blogs for 2 months. Good luck to you all.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
***Bloggers if you would like free ad space on both my blogs please e-mail me, the only condition is promote my giveaway on your blog by placing my rafflecopter on your side bar and I will place your button onmy blog for 2 months!!!***