{Off-Friday} Happy New Year

Happy New Year !!! (C) Matalan
Hello there my lovelies! Happy New Year I hope you had a fabulous start to the new year I sure did. G and I went to london with family to watch the fireworks display, if you watch BBC news you will have seen how spectacular it was. The atmosphere was buzzing and amazing, there were so many people from different cultures all who came to celebrate the start of a new year.

Every new year brings about hope and resolutions to do better than the year before or to attempt to do something new, different and daring. I for one I am not good at keep New Years resolution hence why this year I am making none. Don't get me wrong I have plans but these are different to the resolutions I would have made. I follow a gazellion blogs and more than half are talking about their New Years resolutions, good on them but I for one will not be setting myself up to fail!.Naah not this year.

So moving on to the plans I have, I will not be sharing the personal ones just yet but I will be sharing my blog plans. As you may or may not know I run two blogs, this blog is my 2nd baby blog and my main blog A July Dreamer. Those of you who run two or more blogs will understand how difficult sometimes it can be to put up posts daily on all your blogs even when I had only one blog at times I struggled. So have come up with a plan to help me stay on top of my blogging and to keep it as fun as a hobby can get. So what am I planning I hear you ask?

Well, I have come up with a blogging schedule. So Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays will be dedicated to my main blog A July Dreamer and then Tuesdays and Thursday will be dedicated to this blog The Myrabev Life. The weekends will be something of a free fall, I usually like to spend them reading other blogs and getting ideas if I have not gone out with friends, G or family.

I have also decided to read at least two books a month both for this blog and my main blog A July Dreamer For this blog it will mainly be on either health/exercise or relationships/self-growth. I will be maybe doing some reviews on those books that I read to give you guys a flavour and background into some of the topics I will be covering.

I am also thinking of (still procrastinating here) learning how do just design a blog not the super duper slick whole one just maybe how to do headers, or signatures or word art type of stuff but will see (y'all see why I don't do resolutions no more?)

So those are my New Years resolutions plans and I better get on them, as always thanks for reading my blog. Though I only started it in November 2013 it is slowly but surely growing, all because of you all and your support I appreciate it deeply.

**Happy New Year**


::The Myrabev Life::: {Off-Friday} Happy New Year

Friday, January 03, 2014

{Off-Friday} Happy New Year

Happy New Year !!! (C) Matalan
Hello there my lovelies! Happy New Year I hope you had a fabulous start to the new year I sure did. G and I went to london with family to watch the fireworks display, if you watch BBC news you will have seen how spectacular it was. The atmosphere was buzzing and amazing, there were so many people from different cultures all who came to celebrate the start of a new year.

Every new year brings about hope and resolutions to do better than the year before or to attempt to do something new, different and daring. I for one I am not good at keep New Years resolution hence why this year I am making none. Don't get me wrong I have plans but these are different to the resolutions I would have made. I follow a gazellion blogs and more than half are talking about their New Years resolutions, good on them but I for one will not be setting myself up to fail!.Naah not this year.

So moving on to the plans I have, I will not be sharing the personal ones just yet but I will be sharing my blog plans. As you may or may not know I run two blogs, this blog is my 2nd baby blog and my main blog A July Dreamer. Those of you who run two or more blogs will understand how difficult sometimes it can be to put up posts daily on all your blogs even when I had only one blog at times I struggled. So have come up with a plan to help me stay on top of my blogging and to keep it as fun as a hobby can get. So what am I planning I hear you ask?

Well, I have come up with a blogging schedule. So Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays will be dedicated to my main blog A July Dreamer and then Tuesdays and Thursday will be dedicated to this blog The Myrabev Life. The weekends will be something of a free fall, I usually like to spend them reading other blogs and getting ideas if I have not gone out with friends, G or family.

I have also decided to read at least two books a month both for this blog and my main blog A July Dreamer For this blog it will mainly be on either health/exercise or relationships/self-growth. I will be maybe doing some reviews on those books that I read to give you guys a flavour and background into some of the topics I will be covering.

I am also thinking of (still procrastinating here) learning how do just design a blog not the super duper slick whole one just maybe how to do headers, or signatures or word art type of stuff but will see (y'all see why I don't do resolutions no more?)

So those are my New Years resolutions plans and I better get on them, as always thanks for reading my blog. Though I only started it in November 2013 it is slowly but surely growing, all because of you all and your support I appreciate it deeply.

**Happy New Year**



At 4 January 2014 at 05:39 , Anonymous Dharia Lézin said...

Great ideas for your blog! The most you read the most substance you will bring to your readers. :) I'm gonna be checking this site all the time ♥♥


At 4 January 2014 at 07:23 , Anonymous Miranda Malanga said...

Thank you Dharia, I certainly will.

At 4 January 2014 at 10:23 , Anonymous Camilleta said...

Happy New Year!

Designing your own blog isn't too hard. I just Google specific things like "how to add signature to blog post on blogger" and can usually figure it out. And I make my graphics on Picmonkey.com :)

At 4 January 2014 at 10:38 , Anonymous Miranda Malanga said...

Thank you camilleta I will try doing just that and I need to add a signature to my posts on here. Thanks for sharing with me


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