The What Was and What is

Have you ever noticed now when things are not going your way you start to reminisce about the good old days? You remember them times ladies when he used to call you 7 times plus in a day, you didn't even have to ask some things he already knew cause he was observant! Or how he used to hold you or say your name? Those good old days when you thought he could not see past you anything outside you didn't not exist! Do you remember them times or are they too far back in your memory you can't even imagine them actually being reality thinking it may have been someone else' dream.

When this point arrives in your relationship ladies you gat a few options and I will mention some. 1) check why they have changed, what did you do? What did he do? Or what didn't either or you do? 2) can you work on this or not? If not run or yes put on your best shoes and work on it. 

Every girl knows we date men that sell us dreams, he may not even have said it but its how he carried himself before you that started to create that dream, in some case you can live that dream happily in other cases he sold you bulls and only wanted to get it on. 

Things change in every relationship good or bad but it's how you both behaviour towards it and how much influence you let the outside world have on your relationship. 

Guys am sure you have read this and thought ya what about us? Well what about you? Some of you are worth it some are not

So guys you treat your girl right all this time and you decide to test if she really loves you or the things YOU BUY so you start sliding, am not saying you should do this but it's a starting point to know. Some women will stay with you through think and thin some will bail. If the bail you know if they don't you know as well.

But don't be too quick to judge those who bail check the reasons and if its all money then you definitely know. 

Relationships are hard and always will be but when both parties are committed and in it for the long haul then you can make it work otherwise don't wasting each other's time. 

Let me know your thoughts on this topic. Please don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. 

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::The Myrabev Life::: The What Was and What is

Friday, April 18, 2014

The What Was and What is

Have you ever noticed now when things are not going your way you start to reminisce about the good old days? You remember them times ladies when he used to call you 7 times plus in a day, you didn't even have to ask some things he already knew cause he was observant! Or how he used to hold you or say your name? Those good old days when you thought he could not see past you anything outside you didn't not exist! Do you remember them times or are they too far back in your memory you can't even imagine them actually being reality thinking it may have been someone else' dream.

When this point arrives in your relationship ladies you gat a few options and I will mention some. 1) check why they have changed, what did you do? What did he do? Or what didn't either or you do? 2) can you work on this or not? If not run or yes put on your best shoes and work on it. 

Every girl knows we date men that sell us dreams, he may not even have said it but its how he carried himself before you that started to create that dream, in some case you can live that dream happily in other cases he sold you bulls and only wanted to get it on. 

Things change in every relationship good or bad but it's how you both behaviour towards it and how much influence you let the outside world have on your relationship. 

Guys am sure you have read this and thought ya what about us? Well what about you? Some of you are worth it some are not

So guys you treat your girl right all this time and you decide to test if she really loves you or the things YOU BUY so you start sliding, am not saying you should do this but it's a starting point to know. Some women will stay with you through think and thin some will bail. If the bail you know if they don't you know as well.

But don't be too quick to judge those who bail check the reasons and if its all money then you definitely know. 

Relationships are hard and always will be but when both parties are committed and in it for the long haul then you can make it work otherwise don't wasting each other's time. 

Let me know your thoughts on this topic. Please don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. 

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