1. This quote plus others really stop me in my tracks so I can reflect on myself.
2. My April Edtion of love me beauty finally came, I will be uploading a video and a post on this box so stayed tuned here or at ajulydreamer.com
3. Leather -look clothes, I love my new closet addition and blog come soon on my main blog.
4. Gadgets - Arrived, so happy that my April Shopping finally turned up. Already making smoothies and been using the phone cover/purse forever and a day now and I am still try to figure out how to use my iBooK.
5. Smiling, I am blessed that I can smile everyday regardless of my situation. I will not stop just because an event happened in my life, I smile and forge ahead.
These are my Top 5 Friday, let me know what yours are and share a link and I will check out the blog.
Thanks for the love, enjoy your weekend.