Twelve months ago I made a decision that would later change my outlook on debt and my fears of being judged for being in debt. Yes some of the reasons I got into debt may not have been via personal choice (student loans+tuition) but some of it is (irresponsible use of credit cards) but regardless I was scared of being judged.
There are two types of people who know me personally and both have different views, some think money grows on trees in my yard and some think I like to put myself into debt. It is not easy having either of these two groups of people in my life. The ones who think money grows on trees are always mad at me when I say I do not have money to help them and those who think I like being in debt are always mad at me when I decide to spend money on something that I love and want to treat myself.
How in the world am I meant to deal with this behaviour from people in my circle?
I was going through all the posts I have shared with you all in the last twelve months on my debt free journey and I just realized how much has changed. Granted I still owe just over £2000 but I realized the most significant change of all has been how much money I am spending paying off my debt on a monthly basis. Granted if I really wanted to I could pay off this £2000 in one go but then I will have to sleep at the office for the entire month as I won't be able to have anything else except a place to order dominoes. I chose not to pay it off at once because well life is too damn short, I want to go on holiday now instead of in a couple months time. I might get hit by a bus in a months time so I might not go on holiday but now when I know what's happening this minute I am going.
I know I sound crazy for someone who wants to be debt free but I want to be debt free not dead. I still want to enjoy the small pleasures in my life. I am not saying I will ignore paying off the £2000 but rather pay it off with the current repayment plan I have in place.
Twelve months ago I used to spend £950 a month paying off debt alone, this did not include my monthly bills like rent and food. Do you know how debilitating this is, getting paid and spending over half of your pay on debt and not even have a penny to just once buy a nice shirt or nice shoes for work? I could not even go on holiday in the same county, country later alone abroad, sometimes I couldn't even visit my own parents for months on end. This is so not a life (for me personally), especially since it is just me no husband or kids yet.
My monthly debt repayments have reduced from £950 to £250 and this includes my mobile phone bill. You can not imagine how liberated I feel being able to have that £700 for other things including saving and visiting my parents whenever I want (which is almost every weekend), meeting up with a friend for a movie and drinks and being able to book a holiday abroad because I can.
I know I am blessed and never forget it.
I can honestly say in the last few months I have been living the life I have been working my back side off for the last Twelve months.
My motto still stands: DO NOT LIVE ABOVE YOUR MEANS
I pay my debt off, then my necessities and what is left I save or do something spontaneous.I won't be on planet Earth for long though I am not saying I will be reckless I am saying I will enjoy when ever I feel like it but still within my means.
Labels: debt, Money issues, Personal confessions