How blogging helped save me money

When I started blogging I was not aware of how much this would help save me money. I started blogging with the sole purpose of passing time, sharing my evolving life and then it because a little haven where I would escape and write whatever I wanted because it was my little part of the online world. I did not start blogging with the sole purpose of saving money or getting freebies these have been added bonuses which if I am honest are pretty awesome but not what I am about. Some of the products I have tested I would have done so anyway if I had the money or if I had the knowledge of them. Blogging has allowed me an inside knowledge of so many products which I did not know existed or even knew I needed. I have learned about routines, I have learned about what works for my type of skin, what to avoid and what should be given my own opinion before and/or after testing. Let's take 2014 has an example as that's when blogging really took off for me.

Face products - I can not honestly remember the last time I went to a beauty store and bought face products and if I have recently I had a coupon (voucher). This has saved me tons of money as though I am economical with my face products in how I use them it does add up after a while especially buying monthly or every other month. So let's do a little mathematics, the average price for my simple face products (cleanser,wipes, toner & cream) is about £10 and I had only bought these twice (I think) so that leaves me with 10 other months where I have saved an outstanding £100+/- a few pounds. This as you can see is amazing, most of you know I am trying to rid of my university debt and I have 6 months left to clear it all and just be left with normal bills (rent/mortgage, gas, electric etc). So having such a saving has been a bonus and I have used the money to pay off a debt or two.

Let's talk food, I have saved quite a bit in this department too. When I signed up for Degustabox last year June I didn't know how much this would impact my food spending. For £12.99 I get to try out 10-12 different types of foods, this removes from my normal shopping which then allows me to save up in this department too. My average monthly food shopping was between £50-70 a month for just me now if we calculate this from June last year so £60 by 6 is £360. This is a lot of money with the Degustabox being £12.99 and me spending max £20-30 a month I have managed to save approximately half of £360 (£180) in 6 months. This has been a big welcome and a big change for me.
I am also saving big time in clothes shopping, having companies send you clothes, vouchers and even just entering competitions to win a bit of cash has helped with saving money. I can not honestly calculate how much I have saved in shopping for clothes department as whatever I had not used because I was sent something I had used to take my sister shopping or sending a loved one the money.

Blogging has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I know I have in the past been frugal with some things but blogging showed me so much more and has opened up so many venues though I will not be giving up my day job. One thing I do want to make clear is just because I have had all these opportunities does not even in the slightest mean I blog to get free stuff NO I blog for me and me alone. If I am offered something that I needed or have always wanted but could not afford then you betcha am going to accept but if it compromises my integrity I will say no.

There have been offers that I have thought oh wow I could do with that money but then I realise this is not me so I have turned them down. And sometimes these compromising offers come when you running on your last penny and you a few days shy of payday. But it's about knowing and believing what you stand for, I am not judging those who do because I do not know your circumstances I only know mine.

To my fellow bloggers, how has blogged helped you save money or even helped you make money? Let me know your thoughts on when a blogger turns from just blogging for them to blogging for freebies.

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::The Myrabev Life::: How blogging helped save me money

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How blogging helped save me money

When I started blogging I was not aware of how much this would help save me money. I started blogging with the sole purpose of passing time, sharing my evolving life and then it because a little haven where I would escape and write whatever I wanted because it was my little part of the online world. I did not start blogging with the sole purpose of saving money or getting freebies these have been added bonuses which if I am honest are pretty awesome but not what I am about. Some of the products I have tested I would have done so anyway if I had the money or if I had the knowledge of them. Blogging has allowed me an inside knowledge of so many products which I did not know existed or even knew I needed. I have learned about routines, I have learned about what works for my type of skin, what to avoid and what should be given my own opinion before and/or after testing. Let's take 2014 has an example as that's when blogging really took off for me.

Face products - I can not honestly remember the last time I went to a beauty store and bought face products and if I have recently I had a coupon (voucher). This has saved me tons of money as though I am economical with my face products in how I use them it does add up after a while especially buying monthly or every other month. So let's do a little mathematics, the average price for my simple face products (cleanser,wipes, toner & cream) is about £10 and I had only bought these twice (I think) so that leaves me with 10 other months where I have saved an outstanding £100+/- a few pounds. This as you can see is amazing, most of you know I am trying to rid of my university debt and I have 6 months left to clear it all and just be left with normal bills (rent/mortgage, gas, electric etc). So having such a saving has been a bonus and I have used the money to pay off a debt or two.

Let's talk food, I have saved quite a bit in this department too. When I signed up for Degustabox last year June I didn't know how much this would impact my food spending. For £12.99 I get to try out 10-12 different types of foods, this removes from my normal shopping which then allows me to save up in this department too. My average monthly food shopping was between £50-70 a month for just me now if we calculate this from June last year so £60 by 6 is £360. This is a lot of money with the Degustabox being £12.99 and me spending max £20-30 a month I have managed to save approximately half of £360 (£180) in 6 months. This has been a big welcome and a big change for me.
I am also saving big time in clothes shopping, having companies send you clothes, vouchers and even just entering competitions to win a bit of cash has helped with saving money. I can not honestly calculate how much I have saved in shopping for clothes department as whatever I had not used because I was sent something I had used to take my sister shopping or sending a loved one the money.

Blogging has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I know I have in the past been frugal with some things but blogging showed me so much more and has opened up so many venues though I will not be giving up my day job. One thing I do want to make clear is just because I have had all these opportunities does not even in the slightest mean I blog to get free stuff NO I blog for me and me alone. If I am offered something that I needed or have always wanted but could not afford then you betcha am going to accept but if it compromises my integrity I will say no.

There have been offers that I have thought oh wow I could do with that money but then I realise this is not me so I have turned them down. And sometimes these compromising offers come when you running on your last penny and you a few days shy of payday. But it's about knowing and believing what you stand for, I am not judging those who do because I do not know your circumstances I only know mine.

To my fellow bloggers, how has blogged helped you save money or even helped you make money? Let me know your thoughts on when a blogger turns from just blogging for them to blogging for freebies.

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At 10 February 2015 at 15:05 , Blogger Motherhood and Merlot said...

I agree completly. I started just to have a space to be creative but have learned so much about finances, family management, etc... I love it. Great post!

At 10 February 2015 at 15:19 , Blogger Yaitza Bueno said...

awesome... I need to check out Degustabox... thanks for sharing

At 10 February 2015 at 18:38 , Blogger spiffykerms said...

I have to say, blogging DEFINITELY saved us an arm and a leg too. I am so appreciative of everything i have received. Needless to say, my family is well equipped in the beauty department too :)

At 10 February 2015 at 20:57 , Blogger Andi said...

I have definitely had access to products and trips that I would have never had without blogging. As each year passes it allows me to be more and more choosy about who I work with and what I do!

At 10 February 2015 at 22:33 , Blogger Unknown said...

Ditto on the beauty products! I love getting to test out new ones and the saving money is an awesome bonus :)

At 12 February 2015 at 07:17 , Blogger Esther JuLee said...

blogging has definitely helped me save a lot of money! especially for experiences around las vegas that we've been meaning to do. i don't think we could have afforded to go on a lot of our local adventures if it wasn't for media.. but you're so right about not compromising your integrity. i feel like the money will come eventually, and it's better to build a trustworthy blog first. :)

At 12 February 2015 at 14:33 , Blogger Amanda said...

I found this article so interesting because when people find out that I am a blogger, they always ask if it is profitable. I write for ME, similar to you, but I also enjoy the fact that I can get some perks (like free admission to play spaces with my kids) and I am learning so incredibly much. It is so great that you are blogging about something that is helpful to so many people.


At 12 February 2015 at 19:57 , Blogger Jenny @cookeatgo said...

I have primarily been a deal blogger so knowing what the hot coupon deals are has saved us a ton of money!! I have loved reviewing new products for me and the kids over the past couple years. I agree with you it is hard to turn some things downs because it’s not a good fit for the blog.

At 13 February 2015 at 04:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogging has definitely helped me save and make money. It's about equal now between the both. I make more money from making graphics and websites, but blogging is my therapy, that's why I do it.

At 13 February 2015 at 07:06 , Blogger Fiona said...

Great post Myrabev, I can relate a lot to it. When I began blogging I was just using it as a creative outlet, a way to express my love of all things beauty and makeup. I never even knew that bloggers were offered samples and I am so grateful that I have been able to work with brands who have let me review their products, especially for my son, which I couldn't otherwise afford. Blogging has taught me so much about money management, saving and opportunities. It has also taught me to be grateful.

At 13 February 2015 at 17:47 , Blogger Unknown said...

I totally agree with you! My blog is still growing but everyday I am learning so much. I am finding ways to cut back and being able to review product really does help. I haven't done any traveling yet but I am always seeing great deals and tips to save money so that is always awesome! I love the blogging community!

At 13 February 2015 at 17:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! I am new to blogging so I am really looking forward to realizing some of these savings myself. I'm glad to hear you turn down some of the offers that just don't fit well with your personality and who you are. You need to stay true to yourself or it won't be fun anymore!

At 14 February 2015 at 03:35 , Blogger CourtneyLynne said...

Ahhhh yes! Someone who gets it! My hubby doesn't understand how my blog saves me so much money lol
.. I review a lot of beauty products & supplements, most things I would of been buying.... I'm saving so much with not having to buy them anymore.

At 14 February 2015 at 04:32 , Blogger lauriel said...

I read Esther's comment about "the money will come eventually..." and I'm hoping that it might be in our futures.. :) My traffic levels are still too low (3K views/month) to get sponsored posts (although I've applied for many! :( ), so for now, my blogging is still for personal enjoyment. :)

Although, I do agree that I get a good number of beauty products, as you and others have as well. :D So it has been fun to get exposure to new brands and skincare concepts! I have yet to get free clothing, although that was one reason why I've been intrigued by the fashion aspect of blogging. Ah well, just enjoying the journey, and being able to create content that others find useful! <3


At 14 February 2015 at 15:20 , Anonymous Melanie said...

Blogging has helped me save money too. From product coupons to family experiences, it's been a real blessing. Money doesn't come quickly, but it will if you provide quality engaging content.

At 16 February 2015 at 12:47 , Blogger Victoria said...

I agree with you. Since I started blogging back in 2011 I have saved money and I have made more money from blogging than I would have ever guessed. I started off to track my other online income endeavors and not I successfully run two blogs.

At 18 February 2015 at 22:26 , Blogger Unknown said...

Such interesting post! My blog will be 1 year old soon, and I never received anything free from anyone. I blog at my own free time and my own pleasure - it is my hobby, but hopefully one day it could pay my bills :)


At 21 February 2015 at 12:41 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thank you, it's always humbling when it becomes much more than your creative space

At 21 February 2015 at 12:41 , Blogger Anosa said...

You're welcome, hope you get to check it out

At 21 February 2015 at 12:42 , Blogger Anosa said...

I am glad to hear that, blogging has changed my life in more ways than one

At 21 February 2015 at 12:57 , Blogger Anosa said...

I am slowly learning to be choosy about who I work with as well.

At 21 February 2015 at 12:58 , Blogger Anosa said...

Saving money on beauty products has been my greatest accomplishment to date

At 21 February 2015 at 12:59 , Blogger Anosa said...

I agree it's better to have trustworthy blog and eventually money from blogging will come. Thanks Esther

At 21 February 2015 at 13:00 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thanks Amanda, I also get asked if its profitable and realised some people do not even think of the savings I have made as actual savings but to me they are big time.

At 21 February 2015 at 13:01 , Blogger Anosa said...

It can be hard to turn offers down especially if they're lucrative but integrity first i say

At 21 February 2015 at 13:01 , Blogger Anosa said...

I like that blogging is therapy in its own right, its your space and can do as you please. Glad to know its working out well for you.

At 21 February 2015 at 13:02 , Blogger Anosa said...

Blogging has and is still teaching me about money management it has never been my strongest quality but working on it now.

At 21 February 2015 at 13:04 , Blogger Anosa said...

The blogging community is an awesome place and i have found reviewing products with fellow bloggers makes it even more fun but yet so individual. I hope to get some holiday or travel deals one day but for now beauty suits me just fine

At 21 February 2015 at 13:05 , Blogger Anosa said...

It's very important but can be really hard to stay true to yourself especially when you are just starting out and just receiving some offers for the first time.

At 21 February 2015 at 13:05 , Blogger Anosa said...

My boo is same as your hubby but we know it and how its making a difference so all good lol.

At 21 February 2015 at 13:07 , Blogger Anosa said...

You're such an amazing blogger Lauriel and I am sure all is coming in its own time. It does take some time and most brands look at your following and traffic level before they work with you but they do eventually.

At 21 February 2015 at 13:07 , Blogger Anosa said...

I agree Melanie, money does not come quickly but it does come

At 21 February 2015 at 13:08 , Blogger Anosa said...

I two run two blogs and both doing incredibly well. I am glad to hear all is working well for you Victoria.

At 21 February 2015 at 13:10 , Blogger Anosa said...

I love blogging and it is a hobby for me too, I am now only seeing some money from blogging and I have been blogging for almost 2 years now. So do not get discouraged it will come.


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