{Health Tips} Top 3 Healthy Habits

When you think about healthy habits, what comes to mind? Do you think about your eating habits and question if you are eating healthy enough? Or do you think about the last time you exercise or went to the gym? Or do you completely ignore it because being healthy is different for everybody? I am guilty of these three, I check what I eat when I am talking about being healthy and also ask myself the last time I exercised and not necessary going to the gym but any simple exercise at home. When all else fails then I feel its important to think about my needs and I think 'being healthy' it is different for everyone. Today I will share with you my 3 healthy habits which I am still improving every day.

A long time ago I used to enjoy cooking and creating small but cute little meals in the kitchen, then things changed as I mentioned I went to university and moved in with people who enjoyed cooking and I wanted to take a seat back to be the one that enjoys someone else's cooking for a change. But now that we no longer living together and I am tired of eating ready meals (even if I picked the 'healthier options) I have decided to call upon my old love and start cooking again. My loyal readers remember and have seen me throw up a couple of simple and easy going recipes for the last few weeks and I am just growing stronger.

#recipe on the blog today http://myrabev.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/recipe-granola-breakfast.html
A photo posted by A July Dreamer (@myrabev) on
Ever since I left my parent's house for university then for my job I have always lived at least 15-20 walking distance away from the nearest bus stop or train stop to work. This has been a personal decision because I work in an office 9-5 and hardly have time to do any exercise so I figured a 15-20 minute walk to and from work is very beneficial for my health. Obviously at work I do not just sit without moving around but that is more to the kitchen, ladies or photocopier and that is all so I needed to incorporate more into my daily routine.

Cuteness all round
A photo posted by A July Dreamer (@myrabev) on
Drinking water and sleeping
Those who know me personally know that drinking water is a real struggle, I would rather drink orange juice, Fanta etc than drink water. I will drink water if the meal I am having calls for it or if the water is flavoured, I love flavoured water. Sleeping is very important, especially in this technological era we live in. I have noticed lately that if and when I switch off all my electronics 30 minutes to 1hr before bed I do get a very good nights' sleep and feel refreshed in the morning. If i am refreshed in I have the urge to cook and I am even happier to take the longer route to my bus stop than normal, the opposite is true if I don't get a good nights rest or my insomnia starts to act up.

This morning I have opted for a smoothie instead of cereal #Foodblogger #foodflirt #food #healthy #recipe
A photo posted by A July Dreamer (@myrabev) on
Last night I read this article 'Healthy habits aren't just for January' and I think that is so true, every January we make all these resolutions on how we are going to change for the new year and how will start exercising to which most do but by march most have burnt out. This article talks about benefits of walking when you can, planning meals in advance and cutting down on processed foods. What caught my attention was the mention of being 'office active' and what kind of problems you might suffer otherwise 'list not exhaustive'. I work in an office and I always try to spend 5 minutes every hour looking away from my computer screen, I will admit there are times when I forget because I am so caught up in whatever I am doing but is ok once in a while not constantly cause this could lead to eye problems, I know someone who is suffering with this 'looking at computer causes this person's eyes to go red and become painful'.

Being healthy is a personal choice, you only get one body treat it properly and care for it dearly. Only you know what healthy means to you and your body, there so many diseases in the world do not give them the upper hand work and fight for your body's well being. Being healthy does not need to be expensive, buy produce from farmers if possible they are normally cheaper than stores.

What are some of your healthy habits? Do you exercise or eat healthy?

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::The Myrabev Life::: {Health Tips} Top 3 Healthy Habits

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

{Health Tips} Top 3 Healthy Habits

When you think about healthy habits, what comes to mind? Do you think about your eating habits and question if you are eating healthy enough? Or do you think about the last time you exercise or went to the gym? Or do you completely ignore it because being healthy is different for everybody? I am guilty of these three, I check what I eat when I am talking about being healthy and also ask myself the last time I exercised and not necessary going to the gym but any simple exercise at home. When all else fails then I feel its important to think about my needs and I think 'being healthy' it is different for everyone. Today I will share with you my 3 healthy habits which I am still improving every day.

A long time ago I used to enjoy cooking and creating small but cute little meals in the kitchen, then things changed as I mentioned I went to university and moved in with people who enjoyed cooking and I wanted to take a seat back to be the one that enjoys someone else's cooking for a change. But now that we no longer living together and I am tired of eating ready meals (even if I picked the 'healthier options) I have decided to call upon my old love and start cooking again. My loyal readers remember and have seen me throw up a couple of simple and easy going recipes for the last few weeks and I am just growing stronger.

A photo posted by A July Dreamer (@myrabev) on
Ever since I left my parent's house for university then for my job I have always lived at least 15-20 walking distance away from the nearest bus stop or train stop to work. This has been a personal decision because I work in an office 9-5 and hardly have time to do any exercise so I figured a 15-20 minute walk to and from work is very beneficial for my health. Obviously at work I do not just sit without moving around but that is more to the kitchen, ladies or photocopier and that is all so I needed to incorporate more into my daily routine.

A photo posted by A July Dreamer (@myrabev) on
Drinking water and sleeping
Those who know me personally know that drinking water is a real struggle, I would rather drink orange juice, Fanta etc than drink water. I will drink water if the meal I am having calls for it or if the water is flavoured, I love flavoured water. Sleeping is very important, especially in this technological era we live in. I have noticed lately that if and when I switch off all my electronics 30 minutes to 1hr before bed I do get a very good nights' sleep and feel refreshed in the morning. If i am refreshed in I have the urge to cook and I am even happier to take the longer route to my bus stop than normal, the opposite is true if I don't get a good nights rest or my insomnia starts to act up.

A photo posted by A July Dreamer (@myrabev) on
Last night I read this article 'Healthy habits aren't just for January' and I think that is so true, every January we make all these resolutions on how we are going to change for the new year and how will start exercising to which most do but by march most have burnt out. This article talks about benefits of walking when you can, planning meals in advance and cutting down on processed foods. What caught my attention was the mention of being 'office active' and what kind of problems you might suffer otherwise 'list not exhaustive'. I work in an office and I always try to spend 5 minutes every hour looking away from my computer screen, I will admit there are times when I forget because I am so caught up in whatever I am doing but is ok once in a while not constantly cause this could lead to eye problems, I know someone who is suffering with this 'looking at computer causes this person's eyes to go red and become painful'.

Being healthy is a personal choice, you only get one body treat it properly and care for it dearly. Only you know what healthy means to you and your body, there so many diseases in the world do not give them the upper hand work and fight for your body's well being. Being healthy does not need to be expensive, buy produce from farmers if possible they are normally cheaper than stores.

What are some of your healthy habits? Do you exercise or eat healthy?

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At 5 November 2014 at 08:24 , Anonymous Bintu @ Recipes From A Pantry said...

I am bad at exercise so I figure I need to eat healthy as much as I can and def drink more water.

At 5 November 2014 at 08:36 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thanks for sharing Bintu, I too am bad at exercise so all we have left is eating healthy foods

At 5 November 2014 at 08:53 , Blogger Stephanie Merry said...

I'm not great at exercising regularly but I try to walk whenever possible and always take the stairs. In terms of diet, I try and stick to the 80/20 rule, healthy 80% of the time and naughty the other 20% x

At 5 November 2014 at 10:45 , Blogger Anosa said...

I love the 80/20 rule I am a firm believer in it. I would rather take the lift but I remind myself every time and try where possible to take the stairs

At 9 November 2014 at 11:08 , Blogger Erlene said...

I love drinking water. I do have to excercise more though and walking is a great way to get a nice workout.

At 9 November 2014 at 11:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are great goals. I am a believer of balance. The goal is always to make more healthy choices in a day than unhealthy choices. Good for you!

At 9 November 2014 at 15:48 , Blogger Breanna said...

I love that quote, "Healthy habits aren't just for January." SO TRUE! I have a lot of work to do myself and am excited to start a new healthy journey!

At 9 November 2014 at 20:16 , Blogger Andi said...

I don't exercise and I totally should. I eat healthy, just too much, so I need to work on moderation and finding some sort of exercise routine!

At 9 November 2014 at 20:41 , Anonymous Cara of Stylish+Geek Blog said...

I love your list! You are so right on the mark. Thank you for sharing. It helps me remember my Road to Wellness goals. :)

At 9 November 2014 at 21:22 , Blogger debi said...

Thanks for the reminders.. love that quote as well. Something I really need to work on daily!

At 9 November 2014 at 21:28 , Blogger Taneja's Bride said...

I definitely think cooking, eating raw or at least NO preservatives, and working out. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! <3

At 9 November 2014 at 22:06 , Blogger spiffykerms said...

My husband often gets fed 3 meals a day at work, and only on the weekends I truly get to shine in the kitchen. I miss it! But it's no fun cooking for one.

At 9 November 2014 at 23:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

This is great, kind of gives me inspiration to be more "healthy." I think I eat healthy, but I don't move as much as I should. I need to make more of an effort.

At 10 November 2014 at 00:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

That recipe looks delicious! Being healthy is so hard sometimes - but really investing time into planning makes it a whole lot easier.

At 10 November 2014 at 00:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

These are great tips! I wish I were healthier haha

At 10 November 2014 at 01:46 , Anonymous Cara of Stylish+Geek Blog said...

I really enjoyed reading your posts. Most of my healthy habits jibe with yours.

At 10 November 2014 at 02:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

These are great tips. I need to work on getting healthier.

At 10 November 2014 at 06:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am always struggling with personal health!

At 11 November 2014 at 07:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

Great tips and fantastic habits! I'm fortunate enough to have a 20 minute walk to work which is handy as I sit at my desk for 8 hours a day. I'm very guilty of picking ready meals over cooking so I really need to get back into cooking from scratch!

At 12 November 2014 at 11:49 , Blogger The AnnMarie John said...

Being healthy to me means eating right and working out even if it's a walk. Doesn't have to be hit the gym doing 100 push ups/sit ups. :)

At 13 November 2014 at 06:28 , Blogger Cori said...

Sleep is what I lack the most!! I am good at other things, but struggle to get enough sleep.

At 13 November 2014 at 20:33 , Blogger Lix Hewett said...

Really like this idea for a post. Eating is definitely a concern of mine - I need to force myself to make and eat a proper meal sometimes because I know I'll feel like crap the next day if I don't. My biggest problem is my sleep schedule though. So hard to fix because it overlaps with my motivation and anxiety issues. :(

At 14 November 2014 at 01:26 , Blogger Jade's an Open Book said...

Very educating, thank you!

At 17 November 2014 at 19:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

I eat healthy but get lazy when it comes to exercising, so I make sure to add it into my regimen. I have to, especially with all of the yummy food I make for my blog lol! I am really active though and on my feet most of the day.

At 26 November 2014 at 20:32 , Blogger Anosa said...

I too am mostly lazy with exercising but since I walk to bus stop which is 15 minutes going and 15 minutes coming back plus running around at work kinda covers me

At 26 November 2014 at 20:32 , Blogger Anosa said...


At 26 November 2014 at 20:33 , Blogger Anosa said...

Awww bless, I suffer from insomnia but I sometimes try to use that to my advantage and usually works but most times screws me up bad

At 26 November 2014 at 20:34 , Blogger Anosa said...

I think we could all do with a little bit more sleep though aside from my insomnia I think most times I manage to get good sleep

At 26 November 2014 at 20:34 , Blogger Anosa said...

I agree eating right and simple working out like walking us fine so long as there is a balance of the two for me

At 26 November 2014 at 20:35 , Blogger Anosa said...

I feel very guilty most days but like you I have to walk to work (almost all the way)

At 6 December 2014 at 14:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are all great tips, especially unplugging from technology about hour or so before bed time as well drinking more water throughout the day. From experience, I know that those two tips really work to get a good nights rest & feel refreshed the next day. Good stuff lady and much success to you with reaching your goals in 2015...its almost here! :)

At 7 December 2014 at 20:12 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thank you Regina I appreciate that and it's important to unplug now and again

At 7 December 2014 at 20:12 , Blogger Anosa said...

I too struggle but consistency helps

At 7 December 2014 at 20:13 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thanks Karissa, it's important to keep healthy whatever that means to you as an individual

At 7 December 2014 at 20:13 , Blogger Anosa said...

I am very glad and honoured to hear that

At 7 December 2014 at 20:14 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thanks Caroline, I am sure you're

At 7 December 2014 at 20:14 , Blogger Anosa said...

I couldn't agree more planning is the key I think

At 7 December 2014 at 20:15 , Blogger Anosa said...

I am honoured to hear that and i think walking should be a start

At 7 December 2014 at 20:16 , Blogger Anosa said...

It definitely no fun cooking for one but I have found a way to do it I pretend I am cooking for someone instead of me or cook a large meal to last the whole week

At 7 December 2014 at 20:17 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thank you Taneja and I agree

At 7 December 2014 at 20:17 , Blogger Anosa said...

Thanks Debi

At 7 December 2014 at 20:19 , Blogger Anosa said...

awww thanks Cara

At 7 December 2014 at 20:22 , Blogger Anosa said...

Moderation is cool

At 7 December 2014 at 20:26 , Blogger Anosa said...

It's true healthy are not just for january good luck hun

At 7 December 2014 at 20:26 , Blogger Anosa said...

One day at a time is the key

At 7 December 2014 at 20:27 , Blogger Anosa said...

I am not a fan of water but I know I have to drink it for my survival


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