::The Myrabev Life::

::The Myrabev Life::: June 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

{Co Host} Happiness is Homemade

Welcome back for another great week at Happiness is Homemade Link Party! Each week we get more and more excited to see your links...they keep getting better and better so keep them coming!!
We are currently accepting applications for Co-Hosting in August. Fill in the Rafflecopter below to enter!!


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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

{Guest Post} Double Decker Books

Hi there & welcome to today's guest post from Kaycee of Double Decker books, I have read some of the Double Decker book reviews and they are very well written and capture the reader so check them out. Double Decker also runs giveaways (which of course I have entered) so don't forget to check out their giveaway page. Don't forget to check out my #Freebie Friday giveaways too on AJD.


Double Decker Books is a blog for Indie Authors. We support and help them by providing professional services to them to help promote their work to gather more or new readers. Here at Double Decker Books, the author's needs are put first and we ask them want they want us to do for them!

Such as, with our Cup of Tea's and Coffee's; they get the choice of telling us where they want their work promoted at. We offer a few great free services as well; such as our Tea and Sub Sandwiches allows us to promote their work bigger, louder and to more places on the web with the exception that there is an application process to be a Showcase Author.

Our Cupcake Cover Reveals are free too. When we make a post we create it to be visually capturing to a reader that may be passing by our blog. We draw our readers to it and this then opens the door for a sale back to the author.

Our biggest services are the Double Decker, which are our small and large blog tours. We have gathered so far 12 blog hosts and just posted a "Become a Blog Host" page. Where you can come and join the others in the fun of sharing of authors and their books!

We have recreated our service page and built on "How to Order" page as well so it is twice as easy to place your order with us.

We also have a Giveaway each week for authors to enter to win additional services from us. This week we have two free book reviews we are giving away, so please come enter HERE for your chance of winning a free book review. Come on by our blog and enter the one we are running right now!

Our last service we conduct is an Author's Giveaway page, if an author wants to do a free giveaway, we will conduct the giveaway process and select winners fairly and equally across the board with our "Gleam" generator. The author's only responsibility is to provide us with their info and supply the books to the winners!!

Come check out the Double Decker Books!!

P.S. We have a weekly meme called double it Thursday!


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Your weight loss plan link party - #1

Welcome to the “Your weight loss plan link party” hosted by Myrabev (AKA me), I have started this link party to bring bloggers both male and female together to share their plans and there progress so far. Each week I will be featuring FOUR bloggers, whose journey or plan has inspired me or has been most talked about. I encourage you all to visit one another and support each other as we try and share our tips on for losing weight.

Rules & Deets

  • This link party will run from Sunday till the following week Saturday
  • Please follow your host, this is not mandatory but is greatly appreciated and if you interested in co-hosting please e-mail me: myrabev@ajulydreamer.com
  • Link up max TWO weight loss posts (I will be reading all and checking so please be considerate)
  • Please feel free to pin this link party or your favourite post
  • Spread the love and visit the two posts before your own

    **My journey so far has been firstly monitoring what I eat with my fitness pal app, got it on my iPhone with several other apps which have different exercises and motivational tips**

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

{Co Hosting} Happiness is home Made Link Party

Hi there! Welcome back to happiness is home made link party, as you may or may not be aware I won this slot to co-host this amazing link party by entering the competition below. So if you would like to be in with a chance, enter now and leave us a comment below and good luck.
Welcome back for another great weekend at Happiness is Homemade Link Party! Each week we get more and more amazed at your links....keep them coming and help us spread the word about this amazing party that happens on Sunday morning!!


Mango Avocado Smoothie from Upstate Ramblings
Cleaning out the closet from Sexy Bags and Shoes
Bumbleberry Crisp from The Wordy Baker


A Peek Into My Paradise


My About pic
Stacy from Huddlenet
Miranda from A July Dreamer
Shana from Organized Chaos


Simply fill in the Rafflecopter each week for you to enter to win a co-hosting spot with us. FOUR lucky winners will co-host the Happiness is Homemade Link Party for the following month; to allow time for the winners to get their information to us. You will co-host with us for the entire month. We will also let you have first chance to enter your links into the link party for more exposure. As always it is free to sign up and helps bring more viewers to your page!

Now that's enough talking let's get this party started!!!

A Peek Into My Paradise
The rules are really simple! Make sure you visit a few other blogs and make some new friends along the way. Feel free to link up your favorite recipes, crafts or your latest DIY project. We want you yo share it all!
As always, please make sure to follow your hosts and co-hosts!!





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Week 29: Personal confessions - The fear to speak

Ok so today's post is a bit hmmm for me because well I am not usually this. It's true what they say one bad experience can cause people to hide from the world.

I started working for this pharmaceutical company in February and since then have been getting familiar with the area, you know the trains, buses, prices, shops etc but one thing I have not really done is invested some time into making new friends. Why because I am scared shitless, I am one person who let's things get to the heart as I have confessed even though after I deal with it in my own way (usually cry it out) it doesn't bother me any more but I will still remember the feelings and even have back flashes or whatever. 

A while back I was doing my usual minding my own business when this "female" sat opposite me, to be polite I smiled and so did she but I just had this feeling to quickly look back after she had smiled and the face she had on looking at me turned my blood cold. I didn't think smiling at someone is a crime, she gave me a 360 look of disgust and I couldn't understand why. I checked myself in the mirror, checked behind me and nothing to afford that look.

I felt really offended that I just did the most human thing and smiled at a female human being and apparently looking is a crime and so is smiling, it bothered me a lot that day and I was so drained from thinking about it. I later found out she does that to every single person who smiles at her.  
So this experience lead me to today's post, for months now I have seen this girl on the train and the bus to work. She gets on the train before me but we get off same stop, get on/off same bus/stop. I have always wanted to say hi but my experience above seemed to rear it's ugly head out everytime and I didn't want to be embarrassed in front of this professional people on this bus who hardly ever cracks a smile (those who know me know I can keep my teeth in my mouth cause I am always smiling). 
Anyway so last week Friday I decided the fear was too crippling and I didn't like the feeling so I just decided today (last Friday) is the day I said hi and don't care for repercussions (if bad). No I was wrong, she was so happy I said hi because she had the same experience and felt the same way. We talked about it and now we can't shut up, we always chatting like besties and I am so happy I took the first step because I gained a new friend and my fear has been sent packing. I really hated feeling powerless and scared of being in that awkward position again. 

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Friday, June 20, 2014

{Collaboration Post} June 2014 Bike Week

**This is a collaboration post, I collaborated with  Osbourne solicitors but the opinions and contents of this post are my own {excluding the infographics}**

When I was a kid my father bought my brother a bike, we used to spend almost every single day on that small (big to us) mountain bike and we had the best of times. I remember my uncles teaching my brother and I how to ride a bike until one unfaithful day I hurt myself quite badly when I fell from the bike, let’s just say it was gruesome enough to scar me for life and it’s fair to say I have not ridden a bike since except when I have spin classes at the gym. I had been seeing a lot of ads both on social media and friends of friends talking and participating in “bike week” which officially this year runs from 11th June till 22nd June but most organisers start as early as April and stop/end as late as July 31st. so when an opportunity came up to speak about bike week on my blog I jumped at it because I know fellow bloggers and some of my readers/friends actually enjoy a good bike ride here and there. There is more information on the bike week website, there you can find out about current and future events and how you can participate and be supported.
I also have the opportunity to share with you this absolutely beautiful bike week infographic which was created by Osbornes of Osbornes solicitors LLP. Check them out, as mentioned they are solicitors who specialize in personal injury claim, family law property etc. I am happy to share this with you as my dad has just finished his law degree and his field is family law.
So back to bike week, will I be participating? Probably not only because I am attending a fundraising for our church but I do know a few people who are and I will be supporting from the sidelines. Should you be participating, yes! Why? Firstly it’s good for your health, boast stamina and if you are like me (can say finally) I am ‘healthy’. Now those participating or know someone who is please ensure you read up on how to ride safely because every other day on the news you hear about people being knocked off their bikes and some worst case scenarios people have actually died so I urge you to read up and practice safe riding on roads and remember be visible (especially at night) by wearing the ‘visible bike gear’, flow with traffic not against it (or is it the other way round) and have a good bike with brakes and lights.

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