::The Myrabev Life::

::The Myrabev Life::: December 2014

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bon Voyage Twenty Fourteen

I am sure there are a lot of us who are ready to see the back of 2014 and embrace the unknown in 2015. I have shared and sounded like a broken ready on this blog how crap 2014 was for me but also in the crapness of it all I had some of the most wonderful times of my life. Those who ready my main blog A July Dreamer will know how fortunate as a blogger have been in terms of sponsorship for my blog and how this some how boosted my blogger confidence. Today as the year ends I wanted to take some time and reflect on the wonderful things that have happened on this blog too and share some of the most read posts on this blog. I also wanted to take the time to thank you my loyal readers and fellow bloggers and wanted to wish you all the best start to the New Year. I do not know what plans you have for the last day in 2014 nor the first day in 2015 all I know is I wish to be in the house of the lord on both occasions. I want to end this year by thanking the lord for every good and every bad that I have endured throughout this ending year because both the Good and the Bad have helped me develop into the person I am today. As I have always mentioned on this blog God would never allow for me to go through trials and tribulations he thought I could not handle, I believe everything that happens to me I can handle and when I feel like I can not I am only a whisper away from the Lord's helping hand.

To mark the end of this year I wanted to share some of the books have had the pleasure of reading, some meals I have had the pleasure of preparing and sharing with you. I also wanted to touch on some personal confessions I have had the courage to share with you.

  • Personal Confessions - These range from my struggle with Debt, relationship advice and motivational tips

2014 has been a trying year and those so many things weren't as I would have liked, I wouldn't change a thing because all that happened is connected be it good or bad.

I wish you all a pleasant ending to 2014 and an amazing start to 2015 and the rest of the year.

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Monday, December 29, 2014

Personal Confessions: Moving Forward ~ Embracing the unknown

2015 is almost upon us and so many of us have started making plans/resolutions/goals for the new year and the promises it holds. No one apart from God knows what will happen as we enter 2015, I remember entering 2014 as I did every year for the last 6 years with a champagne toast after counting down to the start of the New Year in London under the most magnificent firework display. Little did I know that 5 days entering the New Year I would lose my Job and 20 days into the New Year I would get another one which looking at it now is much better than the one before. How could I have known that 3 days into this wonderful new role I would be faced with the most distressing news that would end up turning my life upside down and making me question if anything in my life was ever real or just hocus pocus? I hadn't had the chance to get over this shock then to be informed a mere few days that I should be the bearer of good news for the third party whilst I slowly die. 2014 was unforgiving, it did not only rob us of one family member but 4 because it had to balance this planet somehow, recovering from it seemed impossible even too far fetched. Yes my 2014 sucked and yes I would love nothing more than to have the best 2015 but as history has taught me I do not know what the future holds. I am afraid to see the 5th of January again, I am dead scared to reach the 19th of February again because these two dates proved fatal for me this ending year. I sit and wonder how this year paralyzed me in more ways than one, I sit and wonder what in God's name did I do to karma to be sent such a blow not only to my mental state but to my emotional state too - Karma is indeed a bitch.

A photo posted by A July Dreamer (@myrabev) on

Now that the worst of the worst for 2014 is off my chest let me share why I am happy still with my life. I lost one job and gained one so much better, I sit and think about the circumstances of how I lost my previous job and think wow trusting some people is reason for my downfall. I have always been someone who gives you the benefit of the doubt instead of putting my guard up I have it down until its too late and when I do have them up I apologise but for you they will never be down in your presence ever again. I do not want to be that person who is always doubting people and wasting energy instead I prefer to believe in someone until they prove me wrong. With all the bad that happened in 2014, it seems almost all brought me joy and maybe even the ones I am yet to see the joy there is joy in not knowing. I have been able to do so many things that I thought impossible and in my loneliest hours I have found the courage to cry the pain out and embrace the unknown. I have a firm belief that nothing happens without a reason and even though for some things in my life I am yet to understand the reason or the reason is there and I refuse to see it I know it's all for the best. I pray and pray until I can pray no more but I know deep down it was meant to be like this. Life throws us so many obstacles and it's up to us how we handle them. I do not know if how I am handling the obstacles in my life the correct way but I do know and believe the lord wouldn't allow for me to be in a situation he fully knew I couldn't handle. So I know whatever happens in my life I can handle and if I feel that I can not I can always cry to the lord for his guidance and his right arm on my back to help me up and move on forward.
2015 is still a scary year for me as I do not know how it will start but I do know if possible I want to be in the house of the lord early morning just like I would like to be in the house of the lord to close the year this Wednesday evening. My faith and my trust in the almighty is what has helped me to reach thus far, I have had countless opportunities throughout 2014 that I do not think I would have been able to have on my own, both in my personal life and in my blogging world. I want to leave you with this message 'all is possible in the lord, even impossible says I'm possible'. Happy Holidays and blessings for the New Year

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Friday, December 26, 2014

Twenty fourteen in review ~ Books & TV

Happy holidays everyone, we have 6 days till the new year begins, I am very excited and very nervous but as a fellow blogger reminded me 'the best part about hitting rock bottom is that you can only go up'. No one knows how the day will begin later on the year but I am happy for how this year started (it was crap but for a purpose) and how it ended (dreams came true), I have learnt so much about myself and commend myself for being human and not always being what I am expected to be.
I am sitting here trying to think of the first book I picked up to read in 2014 and I honestly can not remember. I am good at this but this time I can not remember, I have time and again mentioned how crap the behind of this ending year was but since my emphasise is 'ending year' I sit here smiling to myself like a fool (a happy fool). Even though I can not remember the book that I first read in 2014 I know what book has stayed on my mind all this time and it's 'A father for Christmas'. I reviewed this book back in November and I can not stop thinking about it. I usually re-read the book or play the scenarios in my head. This book was well written and as you know I am a sucker for romance books so this fell right on my alley. I guess this book has stayed with me the longest because I feel it carries more hope that most books have read this year. And I know you know I read and review lots of books on this blog and I have expressed it deeply; romance and children's books are my all time favourite. The adult book can be boring but so long as it has romance and is not repetitive like 50 Shades of Grey I am all over it. A children's book has to be interactive and carry a lesson of sort for me to like it.
Have also been trying to think of the one movie or TV series that I have enjoyed this year and there are just so many I am finding it hard to pick one so I thought I list out 5.

  • The Blacklist - this TV series stars James Spader (Boston Legal), he plays Reddington a former marine or is it army who due to something or rather ends up selling secrets then later on hands himself to the FBI and starts helping them catch the most wanted criminals but only if he works with Agent Keen. It is mind blowing, I am almost done with season 2 and awaiting season 3 next year I hope. It's a must see TV series.
  • Lucy - this movie is mind boggling, I went to watch out of personal curiosity and must say the per-Ads for this movie was amazing but the movie itself for me was disappointing. I guess I wanted more than her turning into a USB stick, it's fascinating for the scientist in me what it would be like to use more than 20% of the brain capacity and see what exactly the mind is capable of and though it's stuck in my mind and had funny clips it was not the best have seen.
  • The Mentalist (season 7) - I have been a lover of this series since it started and reminds me so much of 'The Glades'. I love how season 7 started with Patrick Jane and Lisbon finally getting it together it's a fun series to watch and Simon Baker is just an amazing actor.
  • Frozen - Ok to start off I was peeved off with it, I mean the song was so annoying after you have heard it for a hundredth time from toddlers and adults like but then I felt if you cant beat them join them and I did and I must confess I was it at least once a week with Tangled, Mulan and The road to el dorado.
  • Scandal - I love olivia pope but then again I don't. I love how she works and get things done, are persistence and her loyalty to her team but I do not like the Fitz thing. I wish they would just let it go or get it over with. I love this drama but I her dad is scary like cold scary.
What was the first book you read or movie you saw in 2014?

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 57: Personal Confessions ~ debt is no small matter 5

Hi there and welcome to the final personal confessions post on money matters for 2014, I can not seriously remember when I last shared an update on the 'debt is no small issue' posts but nonetheless here is the last post of 2014 on this issue and you can read the beginning of my journey below.

  1. Debt is no small issue part 1
  2. Debt is no small issue part 2
  3. Debit is no small issue part 3
  4. Debt is no small issue part 4
In my last update I gave you an idea of what I was still owing and the plan for next year. I am so excited to be able to finish of paying all my debt and be debt-free so I can enjoy the money that the Lord helps me to make without the ache of having to shave a chunk to pay off debts which are not even normal bills. My advice to students starting out or already started is simple

I have always had the wise knowledge about money but my will unfortunately has not been as strong hence sending myself into this debt which if I am honest and lived the way I did back home I would be enjoying what I am earning now without a care in the world. But life is full of learns and consider me 'lesson received loud and clear and learnt'. I know it is not easy to stay debt free especially with mortgages, student loans, car loans but some of these are avoidable like credit card bills, store card bills, loan shark bills etc. They are very attractive there and then but they are nothing more like bottomless pits. I had a lot of small loans because the bank wouldn't lend me due to my then bad credit history these little loans cost repayment so much that I think that's the reason I've stayed in debt longer because all my big bank loans I have cleared with years to spare. Earlier this month I found out that one of the companie I had a small loan from had actually been asked by the courts to return all the money to it's debtors, they took their sweet time to inform their clients about it and I had been re-paying since beginning of this year, I am due to catch someone from there to ask about the refund. I also found out that the big loans from the bank also been charging me PPI and I am entitled to a refund, I do not know how much it is but will be great if it's enough to clear the small debt I have now.

I know most people do not really like discussing their financial situation which is fine but I think if you discuss it with your dearest and nearest it's fine at least all are on same page. 

I am wishing you and your family a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY START TO THE NEW YEAR.

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Currently ~ HO HO HO

Hi there and happy Sunday, 4 more days and it's christmas. Yesterday after we visited my brother and his family I sat down and started laughing at how fast this year has gone by. I remember it so clearly how it started and the promise it had, then all of the sudden doom started falling and well it fell. I am glad the year is almost over and I am so ready for 2005. Today I wanted to share the my Sunday Currently since the last time I did this was August, see what I wrote in the last Sunday Currently.

Reading: At the moment I am not really reading as I have finished all the books I wanted to read so on the look-out for more, I am happy to hear recommendations. I love supernatural and romance, FYI the supernatural has to have some romance in it.

Writing: Well I am writing this post but later tonight I will be writing for the rest of the week, as you know I schedule my posts and you can read my How to manage time and schedule Posts.

Listening: I have been listening the hell out of Sam Smith (in this lonely hour album) and Nico & Vinz (Black Star Elephant). I am loving these two albums, I know all the songs by heart and the words and it only took me repetitive replay for a day each to know the songs by heart.

Thinking: This has was honestly s**t but that does not mean the next year will or that I need to focus on what happened and how I wish things were different. I am continuing on my philosophy of 'Happiness is a Choice, and recently added Joy is eternal'.

Smelling: Well maybe bad breath as I am writing this early morning and I am supposed to be taking a shower ready for church but as you know bloggers when inspiration strikes you blog (and no I did not want to use my blogger note pad). 

Wishing: For so many things but it's best to live in the present and not to lose oneself wishing for things that might not even happen. It's best to go out and do something about it. I wrote this in August and it is still applicable today as it was then.

Hoping: That I could do all the shopping this Wednesday (day before Christmas) since we get that as company holiday.

Wearing: Since I just woke up I am still in my polka dot and hug me bear PJ's which are very warm and comfy and I am struggling to take them off.

Watching: Didn't really get to watch much but I have started to watch 'The Blacklist' season 2 since I am so behind and british telly has yet to televise season 2 on skype

This concludes my currently's post, this is the last of 2014 but I plan on having at least 1 currently's post every month. Let me know what you think of that.

Wishing you all a happy Christmas and a wonderfully Blessed start to the New Year.

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Friday, December 19, 2014

Top FIVE (5) Friday

Happy Friday y'all, it's official we are only 6 days away from christmas and though I sound like I am very excited which honestly I am but I am also scared and I know I sound like a broken record but I still have NOT bought any presents for my family and friends. I used to be such an organised person who usually had presents picked out by end of November - not always wrapped but picked up and ready to deliver. 

This year it's a different story which I will not continue to bore you with but instead I will share with you my Top 5 Friday and yes you are not seeing things this is a series that I started a while back on my main blog 
A July Dreamer. I thought today I share it on here because I do actually have 5 things I am excited to share with you.
  1. Traveling for Christmas ~ The traveling begins today for me, I am heading back to my parents for the festive holidays and then tomorrow we heading up north to Leeds to visit my brother, SIL and my favourite nephew. I am so excited I can not wait to see them, though I saw them last month it's been a while and I missed them. Traveling will continue since I will be working from home Monday & Tuesday before Christmas then Monday & Tuesday plus half day Wednesday before New Year so I will mostly be on the road with my laptop and headset.
  2. OZ Naturals ~ I finally received my very own face serums to try out from the lovely OZ Naturals. I was very excited to be contacted to review their products. So far I do love the serums, they make my skin feel soft and surprising the Vitamin C serum has reduced my oily-ness its been kept at bay for over 7 hours which is perfect as that's all I need (to be covered at work). I am using the 5% Hyaluronic Acid serum at night before bed, since my toner is made from Hyaluronic Acid too I am happy to use these together but not too much just small dabs on cotton pads and only applying serum once toner has been absorbed into the skin. The second serum is 20% Vitamin C serum which does contain some Hyaluronic acid and Amino blend I am using in the morning with same toner and using it same as the 5% Hyaluronic acid serum. 
  3. Emma learn's to sprout ~ This is a beautiful and well written children's book by Shir Guez, when the author contacted me to review Emma learn's to sprout I was very pleased as I love reading children's books and just books in general. They take me on an adventure as that's what this book will do for your kiddies (and adults alike I learnt something new). I loved the good use of grammar not too complicated and I did not spot any easy mistakes, I have one critic which is though it's teaching the children the process of sprouting and the stages involved I felt if I was a parent practicing this with my not so patient child they would lose it but then again if explained well enough I think it's great. You can buy a copy of this book on amazon, get your littles interested in sprouting.
  4. Good Night Jungle ~ How many of you my lovely mummy readers have ever sat down and explained to your littles how everyone has their own night routine. Ok I hear you I will shut up since explaining is not on the cards since most can not even convince the littles to go to bed without a fight. Well Leela Hope the author of Goodnight Jungle contacted me so I can share this lovely book with you. She explains the night routine using the jungle and I think she has done a wonderful job. The book is not too long, it gets to the point without missing the essential teachings as it uses words your littles can understand and appreciate. I think it's a well written book which is worth your read and I know some lovely readers are looking for new books to read there littles so here you go two books served on platter (you welcome :) ).
  5. Groopdealz ~ Tis the season so I thought I share some amazing deals I have spied. I have been loving Groopdealz a lot especially the wooly hats they have, they are so cute I couldn't pass these up and wanted to share.
Finally I wanted to say thank you to all of you my lovely readers and fellow bloggers, it's been a hell of a tough year but LOOK AT ME NOW. Happiness has it's ups and downs but JOY is eternal (can not remember the blogger I read this from but thanks).

I am wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year in case I do not see you around these parts before then.
Disclaimer - This post contains affiliate links, if you make a purchase using any of the links included your humble servant (mwa) will earn a small commission.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

{Review} Kiss Me Organics' Green Tea Powder

Before this review I had never heard of the brand Kiss ME Organic, I have heard of the Green tea powders but never had the pleasure of using them myself. I am all about herbal tea and I absolutely love green tea because well it's good for you and because there are so many benefits of drinking Green Tea some of which include:
  • Weight loss
  • Skincare
I know you are asking how come I drink a lot of green and have seen little to zero of the benefits you've mentioned above. Well Kiss Me organic explains it well "One of the problems is that the way we drink our green tea these days there is little to no green tea goodies (antioxidants) like catechins that actually get absorbed by our bodies hence why we do not see much change". If our bodies are not able to absorb the good ingredients we need to have say better health then we won't notice the change it is more like a placebo effect where you think you actually on the 'wonder drug' only to find you were on sugar pills' will see some change but not what we would get if the body actually got the nutrients.

I was happy to be given the opportunity to try out the organic matcha green tea powder, as I have mentioned have heard of the Green Tea powder but not actually used it. I am yet to experience the benefits listed by Kiss Me Organics but I will report back in another post. One thing I did experience was being energised and I am happy with this because it being December a very busy and hectic month has made me very happy. I would recommend this product to anyone that needs an extra boost every day the healthy way. Though it is organic and only green tea I would still check with your GP if you are on any medication to ensure there is no drug interaction. You can purchase this Product from Amazon just click HERE, HERE and HERE.

Why I am in love with this product: I can use it in my tea, my smoothies and even my baking. I was also given a booklet with recipes to try out and butter me silly I am in love with how simple the recipes are and just how many ways you can use this product. The booklet has great suggestions like 'people who avoid green teas because of the taste should add citrus to the green tea to make it more palatable' and do not worry the citrus will not alter the antioxidant effects of the green tea it will actually increase the absorption rate into your body.


Its 100% organic, tested for purity, and contains up to 137x the antioxidants found in a cup of brewed tea.

Discover the healthy benefits of matcha.

1. ALL DAY ENERGY & FOCUS: Lift your vitality and concentration with the slow release natural energy from Organic Matcha

2. CALORIE BURNING BOOSTER: Support your weight loss goals with an all-natural way to increase your body's metabolism

3. LATTES | SMOOTHIES | BAKING: Kiss Me Organics Matcha Green Tea Powder arrives in an easy-to-use airtight health grade packaging allowing for as much or as little use as you need for any occasion. Enjoy a relaxing latte in the morning, bake a dozen cupcakes or simply add a small boost to your morning smoothie

4.Up To 137x ANTIOXIDANTS OF BREWED GREEN TEA: USDA Organic Matcha Green Tea can only be used in a powdered form because, unlike brewed green tea, it contains the entire tea leaf which dramatically increases the nutritional content.

5. LIFETIME GUARANTEE | We offer 110% Money Back guarantee if for some reason you are not satisfied with our Matcha.
This is a sponsored post powered by Brandbacker

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{Nuffnagg Blogger Event} Personal Branding

A few weekends ago I attend the Nuffnagg UK blogger workshop event (more info here), I was very happy to attend as was able to learn a lot and make new blogger friends. I picked up a lot of tips and some I will share in today’s post. Blogging for me was a way to pass time when I moved my life from family and friends for work and found myself alone. I would like to think it has developed into more than that now and though it is not always easy I have found it to be a fun experience one which I will not be trading up anytime soon. This workshop taught me more things that I just never really considered like Branding, I always thought of it as for bloggers who do blogging as a full time job or for companies who have brands they need to promote but I was informed that branding is important for every blogger, I am sure we all have blogging goals and where we would like to see our blog(s) reach and/or achieve.

“Blogging is an extension of you but it is not the whole you, have a life”
When one of the speakers said this I thought they were talking to me directly, though I try to have somewhat of a social life I am mostly indoors thinking of posts or ‘stalking’ other bloggers to see what they up to or getting ideas for my next posts. I seriously need a life even if it’s just with bloggy friends but at least it will be me outside the house (work and church don't count) socializing.
I learnt that as a blogger I need to be able to communicate my brand by:
·         Knowing my audience and touching base
·         Communicating consistently (not stalking your readers unless fellow bloggers – this is welcome)
·         Embed your personal self into your brand
·         Being authentic.
·         Promote your best
All these are great points which I am working on; one point which captured me was ‘Authenticity’. What does it mean and how can one achieve this?
·         Being an expert – surely there is something that you’re good at maybe DIY, maybe how-to videos etc. I am still working on this but I think doing relationship advice post is something I am told from feedback I am good at so working to improve on this.

·         Genuine – Readers appreciate genuine bloggers because they can relate and mostly can tell when one is full of S***. I read about 20-30 blogs a day and there some that I can see there is so much bull but I don’t want to judge so I stay away and read the ones I think the blogger behind this is human like me.
·         Have integrity in everything you do – what is integrity to you? I think having integrity is a personal choice; it’s about having strong morals and being the honest you that you can be.
·         Be original, figure out which type of blogger you are. Are you a people pleaser or someone who pays too much attention to other bloggers? Personal branding needs to work for you and not focus on what works for others.
·         Be Passionate –Your blog(s) is/are your baby, take care of it like an egg. Do I do this all the time; I would like to think so.
·         Have a vision of where you want to take your blog – I know where I want to be with my blog but I also know the road to that point is not always bright and easy to navigate.
·         Be honest to yourself and to your readers - As I have already alluded to, fellow bloggers and readers can see when some is full of it so being honest is important. I am not saying put your dirty laundry on line like me but just be true to yourself and your readers will see this and will come back for me. As one speaker said “People buy People”.

This is part one of this amazing workshop and hope to share more soon or in the New Year. What are your thoughts on the topics have touched on above? How important is branding to you?

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Relationship Advice - Part 3: The Cheating cul-de-sac

Welcome to my relationship advice series, today I thought I cover cheating yes you heard right cheating. Over the weekend I was reading the weekly Best magazine when I came across several posts on cheating and the cheating mostly done by men. The one that caught my attention was where 4 women friends who lived in same cul-de-sac all experienced being cheated on by their spouses. And 3 out of 4 of these women were left and divorced by their spouses, this was just too surreal for me. I felt so sorry for these women and I just thought right we need to discuss this issue which is no stranger to us all.

This was a magazine caption on these ladies not me, please do not misquote me.

Personal view & Experience:

I used to believe and mostly still do believe that when a partner cheats it's because something has changed in a relationship. I always hear men are visual creatures but so are women but you don't see us jumping and pouncing upon every cute man that passes our way. I will confess that I came to a point where I wanted to cheat but obviously good sense got in before I could take cheating on its offer. I went through a patch where I felt I was not wanted in my relationship, I felt like I wasn't sexy enough and granted I have changed over the years a I have put a stone on since we started dating 6 years ago. This emotions were so strong that when a guy who was not my man who was not bad looking and who was giving me the attention I thought I didn't have I was more than flattered I was given another boost in confidence so much that I was tempted to pursue this and see where it could go but like I said good sense won. So you see though you can be vulnerable this can be overcome by pure determination and belief in yourself and what you got. 

Relationship experts:

"Men are visual creatures, if you let yourself go or stop doing something in a relationship you used to do in the beginning you risk your man cheating on you because you sold him a false dream"

"I cheated on my partner because i was not given the same attention I gave to my partner, I was more alone in a relationship than a single person"

"Let's not just blame the cheater, think about why the cheater cheated on you! What changed?"

These are some of the relationship expert opinions have heard over the years from my own personal experience and from seeing my friends who have had partners cheat on them I believe sometimes it's 50/50. I believe in this day and age if you sell a certain dream to your prospective partner and then couple years down the road it disappears you risk partners cheating, don't get me wrong I am not saying cheating is acceptable because it's not but you have to remember it takes 2 to tangle. Sometimes we need to ask ourselves what didn't we do for the relationship? If it turns out the cheater was just a douche bag then you good, move on and have a drink on me because people! You deserve better. But if this is a two way street then you need to sit down and analyse this. Your family and friends will tell you his/she not worth it and they maybe right but ultimately the decision is yours plus remember when have said their peace and gone to sleep, you're alone with your thoughts and you cry alone or hurt alone. I believe in all situations do what's right for you and not the world. Always wanting to follow the world at what should be what will not bring you happiness, you following you will bring you happiness. Do not be a people pleaser in these situations be the selfish person you can be to be happy.

What do you my lovely's think? Should you forgive a cheater or should you just kick them to the kerb?

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Jumpers & Movies

Growing up I had Christmas movies that I loved watching with my brother from the 1st December probably till the end of the month with occasional feature throughout the year. I still do that now 'the occasional feature' than the every day of December christmas movie night. I wish I had the time these days to do that but unfortunately no I don't but when I get a chance I like nothing better than to sit and enjoy a good christmas movie with popcorns and big glass of hot chocolate and occasional shots of herbal tea. I shared a post a while back about Gloria the cow (send a cow), Gloria was modelling a very nice christmas jumper for Send a Cow - the charity that supports poor and poverty stricken families in Africa. I loved Gloria's jumper so i thought I choose a few that I wanted to share with you, I love these jumpers because of the references to my favourite Christmas (and non-xmas) movies. These slogans are hilarious and I hope you too find humour in them and remember the christmas movies they are from.

Christmas Movie Jumpers

Obviously everyone knows and loves olaf so I will leave you to let me know what movie the rest are from.

Don't forget to check out the Send a Cow charity page, they have amazing christmas catalogue with wonderful gifts you can give your family.

About Send a Cow

Send a Cow was started by West Country farmers 25 years ago and in that time has transformed the lives of over one million people. Send a Cow works hand-in-hand with families in Africa, teaching them the skills they need to build lives free from poverty and hunger. By providing training, livestock, seeds and support, the charity helps create stronger communities for the future.
Send a Cow works with poor families in seven African countries, providing practical farming assistance that will last for generations to come and supporting families through every step of their journey out of poverty.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

oh.. Not so wordless wednesday

Hi there and welcome to my oh..so not wordless wednesday, part of this post will be filled with manly pictures and widgets but partly wanted to remind everyone of the 2 ongoing giveaways I have on the blog (unfortunately only open to UK residents) and they close in exactly 4 days. If you in the UK or know someone who is don't hesitate to share this post with them. Please also note the giveaway prizes will be sent by the sponsors and not me, for the books giveaway I will send the winner details to the sponsor.

Meal Planning - cooking my chilli sauce in advance

Chilli beef with cucumber, cheese, natural yoghurt and doritos

Salami Baked breakfast pots

Baked for 20 minutes: Bread, then put salami, drop raw egg in and top with cheese and bake.
New found favourite snack bar

Can't remember the name but was yummy - had them at a blogger event

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